White Castle 4/20 Muncheese Meal

While the origin of 4/20 is still up for debate, the fact that White Castle consumers celebrate it is not. On April 20th, decision making is hard. So we’ve made them for you. If you can’t leave your couch, get the one-day-only $4.20 Muncheese Meal delivered for free. No White Castles nearby? Check out our Muncheese Masterpieces for a little inspiration. And while you wait, check out our Munchie Companion insta-story to blow your mind a little bit. Woooooah.

Copywriter: Jonathan Friedman

Creative Directors: Eddie Van Bloem & Saks Afridi


The 4/20 Muncheese Meal

Muncheese Masterpieces

The Munchie Companion


And some reactions…